Musings of a Fashionista Trapped in Tech

Musings about fashion, handbags, work, and finances. For all the independent women who love the finer things in life but still want to remain financially responsible.

Monday, March 20, 2006

FICO Scores

I ordered my free annual credit reports this weekend and they gave the option of paying $5.95 extra to obtain your credit score. I knew I was doing well, but man, was I pumped to see 747 and 753! Most of the books I've read said that over 720 and you're golden with the best interest rates, etc. What pissed me off is all the inquiries I saw on the report (not the stupid promotional ones). The mortagage company for my investment condo ordered it 4 times!! I'm sure the score would've been even higher if it weren't for them. I had read that as long as you keep mortagage inquiries to a 10 day window, they count it as one inquiry, unfortunately, mine checked it randomly in a 4 month timeframe!

Does anyone know if you can dispute inquiries?


  • At 7:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    According to information I have, credit score can measure up 850. Take a gander:
    Excellent Credit - 750-850
    Good Credit - 660-749
    Fair Credit - 620-659
    Bad or Poor Credit - 350-619
    No Credit - 0-0
    Perhaps, credit card issuers can choose their own system.


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