Musings of a Fashionista Trapped in Tech

Musings about fashion, handbags, work, and finances. For all the independent women who love the finer things in life but still want to remain financially responsible.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What would you do with $15 million?

My husband and I had lunch together today and the restaurant had a few TVs with CNN on. With the story of yet another lottery winner (i think it was for $263M or something), we started talking about the 8 meatpacking plant workers that split the $300+ million powerball jackpot. After taxes, they netted $15M a person. Did you know that many lottery winners lose their fortune and file for bankruptcy within 10 years? Many can't handle the responsibility and management that goes along with that type of windfall. Imagine charities coming to you, every relative and friend that you probably don't care for will suddenly show up.

So here's the time to dream... what would you do with $15M?

Me: Invest $10M and live off the interest (if investing conservatively with a 6% return, that's roughly $600K). Buy property in places like NYC, Hawaii, and a slightly bigger home in DC, then travel the world. Ok, Ok, I might be a few designer clothes and add to my bag/shoe collection (but I promise to keep it reasonable).

Husband: Invest, travel and tell no one where we are.

(all this is of course, after making sure our loved family members are taken care of and donation to a worthwhile charity).

What would you do?


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