Musings of a Fashionista Trapped in Tech

Musings about fashion, handbags, work, and finances. For all the independent women who love the finer things in life but still want to remain financially responsible.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Getting Started

I'm a newbie to the world of blogging, but it just seemed like so much fun I had to give it a try. Just to get started, I'll share some tidbits about me:

Age: Early Thirties
Marital Status: Happily Married, no kids! (seems to the ? I'm constantly asked these days)
Love: My pup, All things fashion, Addicted to luxury goods
Occupation: Senior management in the technology industry
About the blog: Don't get me wrong, I love my job and the company I work for, it's just that I never expected to be in the technology industry. My major in college and my interests just didn't quite jive with this field, but a college internship gradually evolved into this career. I'm a workaholic that puts in long hours and it affords me my lifestyle. The ironic part is I love fashion and shop designers, but I'm also incredibly conscious of my finances. It's always a balancing act when it comes to staying debt-free, investing wisely, yet splurging on a Chanel bag or a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes.

I'll post my musings on fashion, finances, work life, and my current addiction to Project Runway (go Chloe!). I hope readers will find it entertaining and informative, all at the same time :)


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